International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow: Volume 23 Issue 5
Table of contents
Numerical analysis of mixed convection over horizontal moving porous flat plate by the method of one parameter continuous group theory
M. Ferdows, Jashim Uddin, Mohammad Mehdi Rashidi, N. RahimzadehcThe paper aims to consider non‐viscous, laminar mixed convection boundary‐layer flow over a horizontal moving porous flat plate, with chemical reaction.
Numerical study of anisotropic thermal conductivity fabrics with heating elements
Ruey‐Hor Yen, Chien‐Yu Chen, Ching‐Tang Huang, Pei‐Jing ChenThis work seeks to analyze the heat transfer phenomena of anisotropic thermal conductivity fabrics containing electric conductive yarns.
Numerical approach of flow and mass transfer on nonlinear stretching sheet with chemically reactive species using rational Jacobi collocation method
K. Parand, L. HosseiniThe aim is to present in this paper an effective strategy in dealing with a semi‐infinite interval by using a suitable mapping that transforms a semi‐infinite interval to a finite…
A meshless method for solving a two‐dimensional transient inverse geometric problem
Michael Dawson, Duncan Borman, Robert B. Hammond, Daniel Lesnic, Dominic RhodesThe purpose of this paper is to apply the meshless method of fundamental solutions (MFS) to the two‐dimensional time‐dependent heat equation in order to locate an unknown internal…
A semi‐analytical technique for the solution of differential‐algebraic equations and applications in flow of an incompressible viscous fluid
F. Soltanian, Mehdi Dehghan, S.M. KarbassiThe main purpose of this paper is to find convenient methods to solve the differential‐algebraic equations which have great importance in various fields of science and engineering.
FEM solution of natural convection flow in square enclosures under magnetic field
Ö. Türk, M. Tezer‐SezginThe purpose of the paper is to obtain finite element method (FEM) solution of steady, laminar, natural convection flow in inclined enclosures in the presence of an oblique…
Effect of heating location and size on MHD mixed convection in a lid‐driven cavity
A. Malleswaran, S. Sivasankaran, M. BhuvaneswariThe main objective of the present study is to investigate the effects of various lengths and different locations of the heater on the left sidewall in a square lid‐driven cavity.
Flame and temperature wave propagation characteristic of methane‐air mixture in mine tunnels
Qi Zhang, Lei PangExplosions are the main type of accident causing casualties in underground coal mines. Little attention has been devoted to investigating the flame propagations for methane‐air…
Heat and mass transfer from mixed convection flow of polar fluid along a plate in porous media with chemical reaction
P.M. Patil, Ali J. ChamkhaThe purpose of this work is to study heat and mass transfer from mixed convection flow of polar fluid along a plate in porous media with chemical reaction.
Solution of time‐fractional generalized Hirota‐Satsuma coupled KdV equation by generalised differential transformation method
Mehmet Merdan, Ahmet Gökdoğan, Ahmet Yildirim, Syed Tauseef Mohyud‐DinIn this article, the aim is to obtain an approximate analytical solution of time‐fraction generalized Hirota‐Satsuma coupled KDV with the help of the two dimensional differential…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof Roland Lewis