Managing Service Quality: An International Journal: Volume 4 Issue 6
Table of contents
“This Total Quality Business”
Jon ChoppinDiscusses Total Quality and TQM through an imagined dialogue between thechief executive of Muddle Manufacturing Ltd and a well‐known protagonistof common sense.
TQM – Lessons to Be Learned from Failure
John McManusDescribes a survey of staff attitudes to TQM undertaken within the ITdepartment of a well‐known UK company. Discusses the findings andconcludes that other companies can learn from…
Malaysia Airlines’ Corporate Vision and Service Quality Strategy
Abdullah Mat ZaidMalaysia Airlines’ vision is to become “An Airline of Excellence”.Describes how the airline reinforced the Total Quality philosophy in itsservice culture and improved customers’…
The “Safe Way” to Quality Management
Amrik SohalDescribes how in Australia Safeway introduced TQM into one of itsloss‐making country stores with such good results that TQM has now beenadopted throughout the corporation.
Managing Quality in a “Hidden” Service
Uday Apte, Reid MartinExamines service quality in a US gas company. Illustrates a recentlydeveloped service quality model and methodology for the measurement andanalysis of service quality and…
Recovery from Customer Service Shortfalls
Diane BaileyIdentifies ways in which customer satisfaction may be eroded andoutlines how staff and managers can be prepared to deal effectively withcustomer complaints. Suggests a ten‐stage…
Relationship Marketing – Making the Customer Count
Adrian PayneThe key to success in service business now lies with concentrating on,and retaining, existing customers. Marketing therefore must be seen asa total approach with the customer…
Measuring and Achieving Quality Customer Service in the Public Sector
Sonny Nwankwo, Bill RichardsonAdvocates a value‐based approach to achieving and managing customerservice. Sees quality as being on a low‐profile path in public sectororganizations. Describes four stages …
Delighting Customers: The Ten‐step Approach to Building a Customer‐driven Organization
Peter Donovan, Timothy SamlerDelighting customers should be a compelling business strategy. DetailsThe Ten‐step Approach to Delighting Customers on which Northern TelecomEurope and Oracle Corporation UK based…
TQM – Let’s Get Excited!
Jon ChoppinSees TQM as embodying a dream of complete success. Gives 16 principleswhich together describe TQM and adds the excitement of those whoappreciate these principles as the most…
Discerning Customers Demand More than Service Quality
Andrew WilsonExplores the concept of “licence to operate”. Argues that companystakeholders (e.g. customers, job‐seekers, investors and employees) areincreasingly having the power and influence…