Managing Service Quality: An International Journal: Volume 4 Issue 5

Table of contents

Total Quality Customers : A Conversation

Jon Choppin

Provides definitions of total quality and suggestions on how it can beimplemented, considering how all customers (both internal and external)and members of the organization will…


How to Waste Money Measuring Customer Satisfaction

Colin Adamson

Discusses the problems of customer satisfaction surveys, namely thathardly any department other than marketing receives the data collected;questionnaires are biased towards…


Making Customer Satisfaction a Business Priority at the UK’s Royal Mail

Ian Raisbeck

Looks at the Royal Mail’s implementation of total quality to improvecustomer satisfaction. Describes it through the European Foundation forQuality Management model. Regards…


Building a Customer‐driven Company – The Saturn Story: An Interview between Richard G. Lefauve, Saturn Corporation, and Richard Whiteley, of the Forum Corporation

Richard G. (Skip) Lefauve

Examines the reasons for the rapid success of Saturn cars. Thepresident of the Corporation, Richard Le Fauve, gave some answers in aninterview with Richard Whiteley. Success is…


Total Quality at Thomas Cork SML

Ian C. Seel

Charts Thomas Cork SM Ltd’s path to total quality. Summarizes thecompany’s main activities, before describing the events that led to aninterest in total quality management…


Being Best in the Customer’s Eyes – A Mercedes‐Benz Perspective

Albrecht Koster

Looks at total quality management at Mercedes‐Benz. Briefly describesthe importance of TQM in the motor industry today. Highlights thevarious internal and external factors which…


Managing the Critical Processes that Drive Customer Satisfaction at Whitbread

Colin Pedrick

Briefly outlines Whitbread Beer Company’s activities and background,giving some reasons for the ailing market it has encountered. Detailstwo teams – customer management and…


How to Avoid Being Bullied by Unreasonable Customers

Diane Bailey

Examines methods of protecting organization from being bullied bycustomers who take customer service too far, the main aim being tominimize any damage and unpleasantness. Several…


Tackling “Uneven Development” To Provide Effective Multi‐agency Provision

Tony Rounthwaite

The third in a series on the difficulties encountered in thefragmentation of the health service and private contracts, addresses theproblems of communication and uneven…


Setting Service Standards for Local Government Reception Services

Mike Donnelly, Ciaran H. McMullan

Analyses the number, distribution and nature of enquiries made atStirling District Council’s central reception and the times taken bystaff to deal with them satisfactorily in…


Customer Service – Getting the Basics Right

David Freemantle

Sets out several basic principles in customer service before givingexamples of service improvements made by various organization such asBMW, Waterstone’s, British Gas and others…


A Review of Computerized Systems for Implementing BS 5750/ISO 9000

Adrian Burr

Examines what facilities are provided, and in what way, by currentsoftware packages designed to automate BS 5750 documentation proceduresin different industries. All the packages…








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