Managing Service Quality: An International Journal: Volume 4 Issue 1

Table of contents

Survive the Vortex: Focus on the Customer

A.T. Kearney

The adage “service with a smile” portrays service as a novelty tacked onto the product, it is not. A product is not only produced, it is alsodesigned, marketed, delivered…


The Editor Interviews...: Bob Coleman, Director of Customer Services, Air UK Ltd

Christopher Taylor

Relates an interview by the Editor of MSQ with Bob Coleman, Director ofCustomer Services, Air UK Ltd. Explores Air UK’s policy towardscustomer service and how it assesses what is…


Internal Customers Need Delighting To

Ron E. Temple, Robert W. Droege

Concerns the concentrated efforts of a relatively small group (170people) at Caterpillar Inc. who realized that they would have to lookagain at their most basic work practices if…


Steps on the Route to Service Quality

Mike Cooper‐Mitchell

Explores how Sedgwick UK, part of the Sedgwick Group, gained its ISO9001 certification. Looks at, first, why the company soughtcertification, the answer being competitive…


Where Technology Provides the Service Solution

Christopher Taylor

Explores how Midland, with its Firstdirect Bank (telephone‐based directbanking system), led the way in meeting the customers’ demand forimproved, more personal service, with…


Using ISO 9000 to Drive Total Quality

Nancy R. Tague

In the flurry of working for ISO 9000 registration, we can too easilylose sight of the link between ISO 9000 and total, customer‐driven,quality. However, through careful planning…


Providing Service Quality to a Nation

Richard Evans

Service quality in a monopolistic national welfare system? Who gainswhen improvements are made? Argues that ultimately the customer – everycitizen – wins if system efficiencies…


Making the Reality Match the Image

Robert B. Halder

Considers how the quality of Naval Hospital San Diego was improved tomeet its reputation. Shows how the interest began which led to thesetting up of a quality council and, in…


Teamwork Brings TQM to Health Care

Henry C. Anderson

Outlines the cultural changes which were necessary to maximize theemployees’ intellectual power in the Swedish American Hospital inRockford, Illinois and how these changes were…


Measuring Performance in a First Class Hotel

Jan Mattsson

Outlines a study undertaken in order to measure customer satisfaction ata Scandinavian hotel. Looks at the diverse perspectives of managers fromdifferent departments of the hotel…


What Makes Quality Work

George Binney, Kate Charlton

A study of six companies, chosen because of their success inimplementing quality, was carried out in order to continue the theme ofthe quality movement: learning from others…


Using Service Process Models to Improve Service Quality: : Examples from New Zealand

Jan Mattsson

Techniques such as service‐blueprinting and service mapping portrayservice processes as flowcharts of interrelated activities from thepoint of view of the customer. This makes it…








Online date, start – end:

1991 – 2014

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Emerald Publishing Limited