Managing Service Quality: An International Journal: Volume 21 Issue 3


Table of contents

Private and public voice: exploring cultural influence

Scott R. Swanson, Robert Frankel, Mariusz Sagan, Douglas L. Johansen

This research adopts Hofstede's typology of culture as a framework to test for cultural differences regarding consumer verbal behaviors in the context of a service provider…


Beyond satisfaction: The relative importance of locational convenience, interpersonal relationships, and commitment across service types

Li‐Wei Wu

Many studies have documented that satisfaction does not always result in loyalty, and that dissatisfaction does not necessarily result in defection. In response, this study goes…


Developing a framework for understanding e‐service quality, its antecedents, consequences, and mediators

Jamie Carlson, Aron O'Cass

This research seeks to extend the work of Dabholkar et al. into the e‐retail domain to assess alternate theoretical frameworks of e‐service quality. Particular focus is placed on…


The influence of consumer's event quality perception on destination image

Kae Sung Moon, May Kim, Yong Jae Ko, Daniel P. Connaughton, Jeoung Hak Lee

The purpose of this study is to examine the theoretical relationship between event quality perceptions of an international sport event and the host city's destination image.


Assessment of event quality in major spectator sports

Yong Jae Ko, James Zhang, Kevin Cattani, Donna Pastore

The purpose of this study is to enhance understanding of service quality at major spectator sports events by developing a conceptual framework and measurement scale specifically…








Online date, start – end:

1991 – 2014

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Emerald Publishing Limited