Managing Service Quality: An International Journal: Volume 20 Issue 4
Table of contents
Design dimensions of experience rooms for service test drives: Case studies in several service contexts
Bo Edvardsson, Bo Enquist, Robert JohnstonThe objective of this exploratory study is to analyse “test drives” of service offerings in a variety of service contexts by applying existing design dimensions of experience…
A grounded theory model of service providers' stress, emotion, and coping during intercultural service encounters
Chen‐ya Wang, Anna S. MattilaThis study seeks to shed light on service providers' experiences and challenges during intercultural service encounters.
Two component customer relationship management model for healthcare services
Hardeep ChahalTo sustain competitive advantage, it is necessary to understand consumers and their psychological fears and deliver them a service solution which is best under existing conditions…
The relative importance of service features in explaining customer satisfaction: A comparison of measurement models
Angelos PantouvakisThe purpose of this paper is to assess the relative importance of various service‐quality dimensions in explaining customer satisfaction; and to examine whether this assessment is…
Development of personalised services in small business: an iterative learning process
Patrik GottfridssonThe aim of this study is to achieve a better understanding of how small business develops personalised business‐to‐business services.