Managing Service Quality: An International Journal: Volume 18 Issue 6
Table of contents
The nature of the service quality and satisfaction relationship: Empirical evidence for the existence of satisfiers and dissatisfiers
Birgit Leisen PollackThe aim of this paper is to challenge the assumption that the relationship between service quality attributes and customer satisfaction follows a classic linear path. It suggests…
Prioritizing improvement of service attributes using impact range‐performance analysis and impact‐asymmetry analysis
Josip Mikulić, Darko PrebežacThe aim of this paper is to describe and apply a new three‐step approach to prioritizing service attributes in formulating quality‐improvement strategies. In particular, the paper…
A review of empirical investigations comparing quality initiatives in manufacturing and service organizations
Åsa Rönnbäck, Lars WitellThe purpose of this paper is to investigate, by reviewing the literature, the relationship between quality management and business performance with a comparison between…
What's wrong with IVR self‐service
Dwane H. DeanReports in the popular press suggest much consumer frustration with interactive voice response (IVR) self‐service. The present study aims to conceptualize why frustration might…
Assessing poor quality service: perceptions of customer service representatives
Marilyn M. Helms, Donna T. MayoThe purpose of this study is to explore the variables most often associated with customer dissatisfaction and to discern which variables result in customer defection…
Customer satisfaction and loyalty in the eyes of new and repeat customers: Evidence from the transport sector
Angelos Pantouvakis, Konstantinos LymperopoulosThe purpose of this paper is to attempt to explore the relative importance of the physical and interactive elements of service on overall satisfaction, particularly when these…