Managing Service Quality: An International Journal: Volume 13 Issue 1
Table of contents
“Hardwiring” an organization’s service performance
Leonard A. SchlesingerExplains the term “hardwiring” a term used in computer hardware and software development as being related to “hotwiring” when an automobile’s ignition wire is put into direct…
Singapore Airlines: what it takes to sustain service excellence – a senior management perspective
Jochen Wirtz, Robert JohnstonSingapore Airlines (SIA) is internationally recognized as one of the world’s leading carriers. This article details the results of a series of in‐depth interviews with SIA’s…
A content analysis of complaints and compliments
Margareta Friman, Bo EdvardssonThe research question focused on in this study is whether complaint and compliment contain different service quality attributes. A sample of 236 complaints and 69 compliments…
Culture, the built environment and healthcare organizational performance
Larry A. Mallak, David M. Lyth, Suzan D. Olson, Susan M. Ulshafer, Susan M. Ulshafer, Frank J. SardoneHealthcare organization performance is a function of many variables. This study measured relationships among culture, the built environment, and outcome variables in a healthcare…
Determining and assessing the determinants of e‐service operations
Heston Surjadjaja, Sid Ghosh, Jiju AntonyThe rapid growth of the Internet has provided tremendous opportunities for service companies to offer quality services. The prime drivers and motivations for offering such…
Business process re‐engineering in Malaysian banks and finance companies
Kok Wei Khong, Stanley RichardsonBusiness process re‐engineering (BPR) is a management technique that radically rethinks and redesigns business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in business performance…
The antecedents of service quality and product quality and their influences on bank reputation: evidence from the banking industry in China
Yonggui Wang, Hing‐P. Lo, Yer V. HuiAlthough an increasing number of studies is being performed in the field of service management, less work is being done on an integrated framework of service quality and product…