Managing Service Quality: An International Journal: Volume 12 Issue 1
Table of contents
Service quality and productivity: a synergistic perspective
A. ParasuramanCompanies delivering services must broaden their examination of productivity from the conventional company‐oriented perspective to a dual company‐customer perspective. This…
The service quality construct on a global stage
Brian C. Imrie, John W. Cadogan, Rod McNaughtonThe eagerness of global marketers to establish a competitive advantage based upon service quality excellence within emerging markets displays a degree of naïveté in respect to the…
Service failures and customer defection: a closer look at online shopping experiences
Sohel AhmadThis study attempts to understand certain aspects of the online shopping experience from a consumer’s perspective. In particular, this study investigates the interaction between…
Does ISO 9000 accreditation make a profound difference to the way service quality is perceived and measured?
Gavin Dick, Kevin Gallimore, Jane C. BrownThe article examines the usage and relative importance of quality measurements in the UK’s largest service companies. The authors analyse the relationship of both internal and…
The strategic placement of TQM in the organisation: a grounded study
Denis Leonard, Rodney McAdamThe aim of this paper is to investigate the strategic dynamics of total quality management (TQM) in an organisation using a grounded theory research methodology. Inductive…
Framework for evaluating performance and quality improvement in hospitals
Clare Chow‐Chua, Mark GohBased on the research so far on quality improvement and performance measurement on hospitals and the health‐care sector, there appears to be a need to combine the various models…