Managing Service Quality: An International Journal: Volume 11 Issue 4
Table of contents
Market orientation at the beginning of a new millennium
Stanley F. SlaterContrasts traditional market‐oriented behaviors with “second generation” market‐oriented behaviors. Argues that, in order to sustain competitive advantage, businesses must…
Identification of service quality attributes for restaurant operations: a Hong Kong case
Kit‐Fai Pun, Ka‐Yan HoEfficiency and quality are recognized as key components of business strategies. The concepts of efficiency, while armed with the capabilities of quality, help organizations attain…
Quality – why do organisations still continue to get it wrong?
B.G. Dale, A. van der Wiele, A.R.T. WilliamsThis paper explores, using five case histories, the reasons why organisations and their management remain immune to the need to improve the quality of their product and service…
What can we learn from “leading” service practitioners about business excellence?
Andrew Robson, Vas B. PrabhuIt is reasonable to assume that levels of business excellence will vary considerably amongst a group of organisations; two recent studies of organisations in north east England…
The direction of change in multi‐item measures of service quality
Göran SvenssonLooks at the generality and reliability of multi‐item measures that are based upon the perception of one or more individuals. Proposes that at least an overall time aspect is…
Incorporating patients’ assessments of satisfaction and quality: an integrative model of patients’ evaluations of their care
Jessie L. Tucker, Sheila R. AdamsThis study investigates the apparent methodological shortcomings of the current literature that considers patients’ evaluations of their care. In an effort to resolve the evident…
Quality in tourism through the empowerment of tourists
Anne‐Mette HjalagerIdentifies and discusses modes of collective consumer pressure that might affect tourism quality in a comprehensive way. Organised tourists are empowered tourists, and as such can…