Managing Service Quality: An International Journal: Volume 11 Issue 1
Table of contents
Are you looking forward to your surgery?
Evert GummessonConsiders the current state of health‐care provision – noting that the sector is in distress. Suggests that we need to find the root cause of the problems and not just the…
Creating and sustaining the high performance organization
Keith Owen, Ron Mundy, Will Guild, Robert GuildThe ability of an organization to sustain the delivery of quality products and services is essential to its long‐term success. We believe that this ability is a learnable…
Measuring and managing service quality: integrating customer expectations
Marco Antonio RobledoThe pressures driving successful organisations toward top quality services make the measurement of service quality and its subsequent management of overall importance. The study…
The role of quality in pharmaceutical care management
Waleed M.S. Al‐Shaqha, Mohamed ZairiPharmaceutical care has caused considerable attention in the pharmacy literature, because this concept alters the care and services that pharmacists provide to the public. In the…
Quality in the consulting service – evaluation and impact: a survey in Spanish firms
Domingo Ribeiro SorianoThe paper deals with the importance of the work of external consultants in firms and of consulting as a function. The study deals with the analysis of external advice within small…
An evaluation of factors influencing teamwork and customer focus
Dotun Adebanjo, Dennis KehoeTeamwork and customer focus are important aspects of total quality. The research described in the paper investigated change agents and activities that affect development of these…
A customer‐supplier interaction model to improve customer focus in turbulent markets
John Griffiths, Bruce Elson, David AmosIn turbulent, highly competitive markets corporate organisations are faced with the dichotomy of “downsizing” their costs, yet at the same time improving the service that they…