Journal of Property Valuation and Investment: Volume 11 Issue 4
Table of contents
Property Taxation under Conditions of Rapid Urban Growth: the Singapore Experience
Amy LeeDiscusses the role of property taxation in a developed economy.Outlines the variations of method that can be adopted. Illustrates, viaa case study of Singapore, particular issues…
Valuation of Real Estate Certificates
David Miltz, Jean‐Yves de Vel, Thibaud DedierExamines the valuation of a real estate leasing certificate inBelgium. Develops a detailed model, which derives from the valuationtheory concerning participating, redeemable…
Future Directions in Real Estate Research
Kenneth M. LushtAddresses how real estate has performed as an investment, theefficiency of real estate markets, valuation issues, the pricing ofcontract contingencies, prices and price setting…
Key Issues in Property‐led Urban Restructuring: a European Perspective
Gianni Carbonaro, Eamonn D′ArcyDiscusses issues resulting from a property developer or investor′sactive involvement in urban restructuring strategies. Illustrates themwith recent European examples of…