Journal of Property Valuation and Investment: Volume 10 Issue 4
Table of contents
Rating of Markets
Nicholas Heal, Frances PlimmerConsiders the problems of rating valuations for street and indoormarkets. Discusses the most suitable way to solve them using threedifferent types of market as examples. Queries…
The Valuation Profession in Australia
Graeme NewellOutlines the nature of the valuation profession in Australia. Notesthat the profession has recently undertaken important developments inorder to enhance its professional status…
Market Value: The Sacred Cow
Graeme J. HorsleyConsiders the problems which have arisen in recent years from themany definitions of ′market value′ which occur in various parts of theworld. Suggests there is a need for a common…
Building Society Mortgage Valuation Fraud
Stuart GronowReviews the various types of fraud in which a building societymortgage valuer may become involved. Considers the possible conflicts ofinterest which could lead to fraudulent…
The Initial Yield Revealed: Explicit Valuations and the Future of Property Investment
Andrew E. Baum, Bryan D. MacGregorStarts from the basic principles of property investment and showsthat the initial yield conceals estimates of a risk premium, expectedincome growth and expected depreciation…
The Effect of Unrestricted Sunday Trading on the Spatial Pattern of Retail Rents
Richard BarkhamConsiders the potential impact of seven‐day trading on the spatialpattern of retail rents. Notes that the Institute of Fiscal Studiespredicts that Sunday trading will have no…
Methodology and Convention in the Standardisation of Retail Rents
Neil Crosby, Geoffrey Keogh, Geraldine ReesExamines the methodological issues that arise in generatingstandardised transaction data for use in analysing the determinants ofretail rents. Looks at the issues raised by the…