Journal of Property Valuation and Investment: Volume 10 Issue 1
Table of contents
Techniques and Challenges in Developing Property Indices
Leonard BrennanPresents the methodology for designing, creating and maintaining aperformance index of properties held in institutional portfolios.Illustrates the technique using the Russell…
The Role of Real Estate in Efficient Investment Portfolios
J.H. Goslings, V.L. PetriLooks at the risk/return characteristics of real estate on thebasis of both appraisal and market values. Broadens this analysis toinclude inflation. Makes a series of observations…
Appraisal Database and Information
Stephen Foster, Stanley HamiltonPresents a case study of the British Columbia Assessment Authority(BCAA) that has been a leader in the development of comprehensive datasystems for use in mass appraisal. Uses…
Asset Valuations in Europe
Peter ChampnessExamines the origins, objectives and achievements of the EuropeanGroup of Valuers of Fixed Assets. Discusses the principles and contentsof the European Guidance Notes on the…
The Valuation of Petrol Filling Stations
David R. HunterIndicates in broad terms the areas which should be considered byvaluers of petrol filling stations. Notes that rental values and capitalvalues will involve careful appraisal of…
The Compensation Provisions of the Planning and Compensation Act 1991
G.S. SamsProvides a section by section guide to the compensation provisionsof the Planning and Compensation Act 1991. Concludes that pressure forfurther change will continue but that the…
Distribution Property Trends and Influences
David S. BakerChallenges the concept of warehousing as the stockholding facilityfor oversupply. Comments on the historic context, the current market,the property element and volume rents. Notes…