International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 51 Issue 3


Table of contents

A design science-based case study of retail chain delivery operations and its implications

Shong-lee Ivan Su, Xuemei Fan, Yongyi Shou

The study aims to explore and develop a smart route planning system for the cross-docking delivery operations of a large supermarket chain using an action research (AR) approach…

Environmental uncertainty and cross-buying in logistics outsourcing arrangements: a resource dependence perspective

Adriana Rossiter Hofer, Yao Henry Jin, A. Michael Knemeyer

This study follows the tenets of the resource dependence theory (RDT) to investigate the effects of four dimensions of industry-level environmental uncertainty – munificence…

Drivers of logistics outsourcing: examining transaction costs, core competences and planned behavior

Oskari Rintala, Tomi Solakivi, Sini Laari, Juuso Töyli, Lauri Ojala

This study aims to investigate the extent to which psychological factors and the agency of decision-makers drive outsourcing decisions. Arguments based on transaction cost…


A seller perspective on economic and non-economic satisfaction as precursors to formalisation, specific investments and dependence in business relationships

Nils M. Høgevold, Gøran Svensson, Mercy Mpinganjira

Seen from the seller's point of view, this study examines economic and non-economic satisfaction as distinct conceptual variables, and tests how the constructs relate to each…

Blockchain as supply chain technology: considering transparency and security

Pei Xu, Joonghee Lee, James R. Barth, Robert Glenn Richey

This paper discusses how the features of blockchain technology impact supply chain transparency through the lens of the information security triad (confidentiality, integrity and…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Ivan Russo
  • Professor Shashank Rao