International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 48 Issue 8


Table of contents - Special Issue: Structured literature reviews in SCM and logistics Part 2

Guest Editors: Xenophon Koufteros, Alan Mackelprang, Benjamin T. Hazen, Baofeng Huo

Urban consolidation centre – a literature review, categorisation, and a future research agenda

Maria Björklund, Henrik Johansson

Urban consolidation centre (UCC) is a popular initiative targeting the challenge of negative environmental and social impacts from freight transports in cities. Despite this, UCC…


Environmental performance measurement for green supply chains: A systematic analysis and review of quantitative methods

Andrea Tuni, Athanasios Rentizelas, Alex Duffy

The majority of the environmental impacts in a typical supply chain can arise beyond the focal firm boundaries. However, no standardised method to quantify these impacts at the…


Green supply chain management and the circular economy: Reviewing theory for advancement of both fields

Junjun Liu, Yunting Feng, Qinghua Zhu, Joseph Sarkis

Green supply chain management (GSCM) and the circular economy (CE) overlap but also differ. The purpose of this paper is to clarify linkages between these two concepts. It…


Exploring supply chain sustainability research in Latin America

Morgane Marie Caroline Fritz, Minelle E. Silva

The majority of the supply chain sustainability (SCS) literature is based on research perspectives and findings from studies conducted in developed countries. The purpose of this…


Supply chain resilience: a systematic literature review and typological framework

Cigdem Gonul Kochan, David R. Nowicki

The study of supply chain resilience (SCRES) continues to gain interest in the academic and practitioner communities. The purpose of this paper is to present a focused review of…


Much discussed, little conceptualized: supply chain volatility

Benjamin Nitsche, Christian F. Durach

A conceptual framework of supply chain volatility (SCV) is developed to help researchers and practitioners converge their discussions and understandings on this vital phenomenon…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Ivan Russo
  • Professor Shashank Rao