International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Volume 44 Issue 1/2


Table of contents - Special Issue: Service-dominant logic

Guest Editors: Dr Robert F. Lusch, Dr Stephen L. Vargo and Dr Ron Fisher

Consumer co-creation and the impact on intermediaries

Judy A. Siguaw, Jule B. Gassenheimer, Gary L. Hunter

While prior studies have examined how loyal customers create value for preferred manufacturers, this study aims to focus on the supply chain and captures the indirect economic and…


The supply chain management of shopper marketing as viewed through a service ecosystem lens

Daniel John Flint, Robert F. Lusch, Stephen L. Vargo

The purpose of this paper is to examine shopper marketing through service-dominant logic and service ecosystem lenses. In doing so, the authors reveal challenges and opportunities…


Value attenuation and retail out-of-stocks: A service-dominant logic perspective

Joachim C.F. Ehrenthal, Thomas W. Gruen, Joerg S Hofstetter

– The purpose of this paper is to address the effects of retail out-of-stocks from a service-dominant (S-D) logic view.


Supply chain services from a service-dominant perspective: a content analysis

Steffen Maas, Evi Hartmann, Stefan Herb

This paper aims to apply service-dominant logic thinking to the field of supply chain management (SCM) in order to classify, structure, and analyze different types of supply chain…


Constructing a sustainable service business model: An S-D logic-based integrated product service system (IPSS)

Chun Hsien Liu, Ming-Chao Chen, Yi-Hsien Tu, Chu-Ching Wang

– The purpose is to conceptually construct a service-dominant (S-D) logic-based integrated product service system (IPSS) business model.


The role of clusters in global maritime value networks

Trond Hammervoll, Lise Lillebrygfjeld Halse, Per Engelseth

– The paper aims to explore the effects of geographic proximity among firms in value networks on service provision and service exchange.


Service-dominant logic and supply chain management: are we there yet?

C. Michael Wittmann, David R Nowicki, Terry L Pohlen, Wesley S Randall

Research suggests that service-dominant logic (SDL) is well suited to support supply chain management (SCM) research and practice. Qualitative research has shown that SDL is…


From goods to solutions: how does the content of an offering affect network configuration?

Mehmet Chakkol, Mark Johnson, Jawwad Raja, Anna Raffoni

– This paper aims to adopt service-dominant logic (SDL) to empirically explore network configurations resulting from the provision of goods, goods and services, and solutions.


Service provision for co-creation of value: Insights from exchange- and production economy perspectives

Trond Hammervoll

The purpose of this paper is to consider inter-organisational issues in supply chain relationships (SCRs) with a view to advancing research on co-creation of value in the service…

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  • Professor Ivan Russo
  • Professor Shashank Rao