International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management: Volume 51 Issue 2


Table of contents

Negative eWOM and perceived credibility: a potent mix in consumer relationships

Ernest Emeka Izogo, Chanaka Jayawardhena, Heikki Karjaluoto

Based on the foundations of the schema theory, the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) and customer experience literature, this research examines how the interplay between a…


A qualitative comparative study of Japanese fashion brands via profiling young shoppers

Miao Miao, Hideho Numata, Kayo Ikeda

This study adopts complexity theory to explore behavioural brand loyalty (BBL) development by investigating brand perceptional components and loyalty programs (LPs) in the…

Extrinsic and intrinsic motives: panic buying and impulsive buying during a pandemic

Rambabu Lavuri, Deepak Jaiswal, Park Thaichon

The present study operationalizes and tests the impact of extrinsic (store environment, promotional activities) and intrinsic (hedonism, materialism) variables on impulsive buying…


Repurchase intention in a physical store: moderated mediating role of electronic word-of-mouth

Shu-Hsien Liao, Da-Chian Hu, Yi-Wen Fang

In physical stores, consumer repurchase is the primary goal of retail operators. This includes many aspects of consumers' perceived value of a store, including images of goods…


Influencing factors toward e-shoppers' adoption of green last-mile delivery

Mohammad Shahidul Kader, Md Rashaduzzaman, Xiao Huang, Seeun Kim

E-commerce continues to experience unprecedented growth, but a lack of understanding of socio-behavioral aspects of green last-mile delivery solutions is conflicting with…


Engaging with omnichannel brands: the role of consumer empowerment

Omar S. Itani, Sandra Maria Correia Loureiro, Zahy Ramadan

This study aims to integrate brand and retailer levels variables to examine the direct and indirect relationships between omnichannel retailing and consumer engagement.


Do goal orientations really influence performance?

Carlos M.P. Sousa, Filipe Coelho, Susana C. Silva

The creativity of retail employees seems to be of the utmost importance for ensuring the performance of organizations in service settings. This paper contributes to the existing…

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  • Prof Neil Towers