International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management: Volume 50 Issue 6


Table of contents

How do consumers perceive mobile self-checkout in fashion retail stores?

Yuli Liang, Seung-Hee Lee, Jane E. Workman

Mobile self-checkout refers to scanning products using a mobile device inside a brick-and-mortar store and completing the checkout process on mobile devices. Even though mobile…


Assessing Malaysia and Indonesia as emerging retail markets: an institution-based view

Byoungho Ellie Jin, Gwia Kim

Despite the significant potential of Malaysia and Indonesia as emerging Southeast Asian retail markets, their nuanced differences in relation to global retailers have not been…

Does sustainability drive to create store equity? A proposal through image, quality and loyalty

Irene Sánchez-González, Irene Gil-Saura, Maria-Eugenia Ruiz-Molina

The present research aims to analyse the retailer's commitment to sustainable development (RCSD) perceived by the consumers and how it contributes to store equity creation through…

How does model type influence consumer and online fashion retailing?

Xiaobei Liang, Xiaojuan Hu, Hu Meng, Jiang Jiang, Guanhua Wang

Model's physical attractiveness plays an important role in online shopping. The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationships among model type, consumer's perceived amount…

When and whom should retailers offer price reductions in times of crisis?

Haeyoung Jeong, Siddharth Bhatt, Hongjun Ye, Jintao Zhang, Rajneesh Suri

With a decrease in consumer spending during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, many retailers are offering price reductions to stimulate demand. However, little is…

Acceptance of in-store apps: factors that influence the intention to adopt location-based retail apps – insights from Germany

Rabea Schrage, Lasse Meißner, Reinhard Schütte, Peter Kenning

Due to recent developments of indoor location-tracking technologies, brick-and-mortar retailers are now able to add location-based marketing capabilities to their existing retail…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof Neil Towers