International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management: Volume 43 Issue 9


Table of contents

Efficiency and convergence analysis in a women’s clothing retail store chain: Evidence from Portugal

José Manuel Xavier, Victor Manuel Moutinho, Antonio Carrizo Moreira

The purpose of this paper is to estimate retailing efficiency in a 26-store women clothing retail chain and to decompose it in several measures in order to contribute to the…


Relationship of product claims between private label and national brands: The influence of private label penetration

John L Stanton, James Wiley, Neal H Hooker, Ekaterina Salnikova

The purpose of this paper is to compare the use of front of package (FOP) claims within product categories by private label (PL) products and national brands (NB). This research…


Design variables and constraints in fashion store design processes

Anders Haug, Mia Borch Münster

Several frameworks of retail store environment variables exist, but as shown by this paper, they are not particularly well-suited for supporting fashion store design processes…


Measuring the perceived value of malls in a non-Western context: the case of the UAE

Mohammed Ismail El-Adly, Riyad Eid

The purpose of this paper is to identify the dimensions of a shopper consumption experience at the mall level, in relation to previous research on customer-perceived value. It…


Retail companies’ internationalization behavior and the 2008 crisis

Daniele Pederzoli, Volker G. Kuppelwieser

The purpose of this paper is to challenge earlier recommendations and explanations regarding companies’ behaviour after an economic shock and analyses worldwide retail companies’…


“Oh, stop! You flatter me”: ingratiation in retail settings

Ainsworth Anthony Bailey

Even though there has been anecdotal evidence regarding the use of ingratiation techniques in retail salesperson-shopper interactions, surprisingly, there has been limited…

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  • Prof Neil Towers