Table of contents

Structural and Vector Autoregressive Approaches to Modelling Real Estate and Property Stock Prices in Singapore

Ong Seow Eng

Although studies have been conducted in the USA to test ifproperty‐related investment vehicles are an alternative for direct realestate investment, there has been little research…


Real Estate Portfolio Analysis Using a Spreadsheet Optimizer

Peter Byrne, Stephen Lee

Discusses a spreadsheet tool called an “optimizer” which is useful forexamining certain real estate investment problems. Describes what thistool is (a means of, for example…


Investment Decision Making: A Behavioural Perspective

A.S. Adair, J.N. Berry, W.S. McGreal

Reviews institutional decision making and the role of property within amulti‐asset portfolio. Discusses diversification strategies by sectorand region as a means of reducing or…


The Strategic Management of Open‐ended Property Funds

Stephan Bone‐Winkel

German open‐ended property fund shows that a strategic management ofproperty investment is indispensable. Suggests that it is possible andfruitful to adapt the instruments for…


The Use of Exchange‐rate Hedging Techniques by UK Property Companies

Alex J.D. Dawson, William H. Rodney

The use of financial risk management techniques in the form ofexchange‐rate hedging is widespread in the international businesscommunity, because their use avoids losses owing to…


Assessing the Environmental Risks of Property Investment Portfolios

Neil J.K. Turner, Stuart A. Gronow, Paul Pritchard

Illustrates that there are environmental risks associated with thecurrent land uses which can be expected to be found within theindustrial element of both institutional and…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 1997

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Emerald Publishing Limited