Journal of Property Finance: Volume 7 Issue 2
Table of contents
Impact fees and the financial structure of development
John Henneberry, Barry GoodchildThere is increasing pressure to shift the financial burden of the provision of offâsite infrastructure and services from government to building producers and consumers. Some…
Strategic implications of information technology for the real estate sector
Stephen E. RoulacHow society, its institutions and organizations relate to place and space is largely defined by advances in information, and communications and transportation technology. Advances…
Economic models: perspectives for the professional
Mark W. Baumann, John C. GrothEconomic models enjoy growing use and importance. An environment characterized by rapid change and the interplay of a host of variables prompts increased use of and reliance on…
Do EREIT returns measure real estate returns?
Steven E. Moss, Howard C. SchneiderTests for correlation between the NCREIF (NC) Index and EREIT Index. A multiple time series methodology is used to control for spurious correlation, allow for leading and lagging…