Journal of Educational Administration: Volume 28 Issue 3


Table of contents

Research and the Preparation of Educational Administrators

Cecil Miskel

The intention is to review the literature dealing with the role andstatus of research in preparation programmes for educationaladministrators, and to generate alternative ways to…

Rationality, Imagination and Advocacy in Educational Research

William S. Simpkins

Enterprising projects require a mixture of the imaginative andrational, not the rejection of one in favour of the other. Where a cleardistinction is made, the imaginative and…

Peer‐assisted Leadership: Expanding Principals′ Knowledge through Reflective Practice

Bruce G. Barnett

The hectic and fast‐paced nature of principals′ jobs oftenprohibits them from learning directly from their on‐the‐job experiences.Nevertheless, having the opportunity to observe…

What Is Truly Missing in Advanced Preparation in Educational Administration?

Glenn L. Immegart

Scholarship in educational administration is considered from theperspective of a former journal editor. It is proposed that thedevelopment of scholarly skills is missing from…


A Conceptual Framework for Preservice Programme Development in Educational Administration: A Case Application for the Republic of Rwanda′s Education System

Emmanuel Bugingo, John R. Verduin

The pertinent literature is reviewed and a paradigm or a frameworkis presented to guide conceptualisation and implementation for theprogramme development process in educational…


Teaching and Learning in Knowledge Organisations: Implications for the Preparation of School Administrators

Thomas A. Mulkeen, Toby J. Tetenbaum

A model is presented for the preparation of educationaladministrators that is in keeping with the needs and demands of achanging society. Beginning with a discussion of…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Chen Schechter
  • Professor Jayson W. Richardson