Integrated Manufacturing Systems: Volume 6 Issue 2
Table of contents
Making manufacturing flexibility operational – part 2 : distinctions and an example
Carl‐Henric Nilsson, Håkan NordahlStructures the concept of flexibility by making clear distinctionsin three generic dimensions, describes the use of the framework formanufacturing flexibility by working through a…
A computer‐aided inventory management system – part 2 : inventory level control
C.Y.D. Liu, Keith RidgwayDescribes the second stage in the development of a computer‐aidedinventory management system (CAIMS) for PRESTO Tools Ltd, Sheffield.Describes the development of modules for…
Business process innovation in the mid‐1990s
Fred HewittArgues that today′s rapidly changing competitive environment, costeffectiveness and consistently high output quality are no longer enoughto ensure corporate success. A company′s…
Measuring the production range flexibility of a FMS
David Stockton, Nicola BatemanIn order to ensure that the introduction of a flexiblemanufacturing system confers overall benefits to a company there is aneed to be able to measure quantitatively and then…
The employment effects of flexible integrated automation in small and medium firms: evidence from the Italian case
Giuseppe CalabreseAims to point out some effects caused by the implementation offlexible integrated automation on employment in small and medium Italianfirms. Debates some economic theses such as…