Integrated Manufacturing Systems: Volume 5 Issue 2
Table of contents
Developing Strategic Information Systems
Sotiris Karababas, Harold CatherDescribes a systematic approach to strategically planning thedevelopment of information systems within an organization. It comprisesfour main phases: initiation, data collection…
Graphic Simulation of Robot Process Capability
Chiu‐Chi Wei, Ali K. Kamrani, Henry WiebeDevelops a graphic simulation system in conjunction with a kinematicerror model to assist management in making investment decisions. UsesTaguchi‐type experimental design to…
Integration of CAPP and PPC – : Interfusion Manufacturing Management
Hermann Kühnle, Hans‐Jürgen Braun, Jörg BühringIntroduces concepts for the integration of Computer‐Aided ProcessPlanning (CAPP) and Production Planning and Control (PPC). Characterizesthe current situation regarding…
FMS in Spanish Industry: Lessons from Experience
Angel Martinez SanchezStudies some of the factors that played a role in Flexible ManufacturingSystems (FMS) implementation management in Spanish industry. Increasesin production, flexibility and…