Integrated Manufacturing Systems: Volume 4 Issue 2
Table of contents
Computer Assisted Geometric Analysis of Components for Automatic Assembly
Sun‐Woh Lye, Nan‐Shing OngAssembly cost is one of the major contributing factors in the totalmanufacturing cost equation. It has been estimated, particularly in themechanical and electrical industries…
The Integration of Design and Manufacture ‐A Quantum Leap
Ian Hunt, Simon Roberts, Roy JonesNew product “time to market” in the informationtechnology (IT) industry is increasingly critical to a company′scompetitiveness. Early product release into the marketplace will…
Work Design and Computer Controlled Systems: Job Analysis under Automation – ATAA
Hartmut Wachter, Brita Modrow‐Thiel, Giselind RossmannChanging market demands in the metal‐working industry have led tothe implementation and development of flexible computer controlledcommunication and production technologies. The…
Strategic Planning for Information Systems Enhancement
Dennis Kehoe, David Little, Andrew LyonsInformation systems are often developed to introduce new technologyor to overcome severe maintenance problems rather than to improvefundamental business practice. In today′s…