Integrated Manufacturing Systems: Volume 2 Issue 4

Table of contents

Design and Implementation of Integrated Production Control Systems

Martyn Luscombe

There has been much discussion on the merits of differentproduction control philosophies, particularly MRPII, OPT and JIT. Aconsensus is emerging that these philosophies are not…


The Role of Technology in Small and Medium‐sized Enterprises

Gloria L. Lee

In Britain there has been considerable growth in the small firmssector during the 1980s. Whilst some have been at the forefront oftechnological innovation, many others outside the…


Managing Uncertainty in Multilevel Manufacturing Systems

Gustavo A. Vargas, Roger G. Dear

The effectiveness of alternative buffering strategies in complexmultilevel assembly manufacturing systems using the Material RequirementPlanning (MRP) methodology is explored and…


Management of Computer‐integrated Manufacturing Systems

Nourredine Boubekri, Chi‐Ming Ip, Ronny Aboudi

A methodology of integrating the functions of engineering designand manufacturing in a production environment is described. A hybridapproach using quality function deployment…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 2003

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited