Integrated Manufacturing Systems: Volume 1 Issue 4
Table of contents
Jaguar moves further down the CIM road
Describes the introduction of a computerised statistical processcontrol and quality monitoring facility by Jaguar Cars. Examines thefacility itself as well as the inspection and…
Bendix builds a six‐machine FMS
J. HollingumExamines the progressive introduction of a large FMS by BendixHeavy Vehicles. Discusses the reasons for installing FMS: the need forbatch production, reduction of labour content…
Open systems do exist
A. Lee‐MortimerDiscusses CIMAC′s demonstration system in the context of the DTI′sOpen Systems in Manufacturing programme. Considers the way proprietarycommunication systems discriminate against…
Selecting tools like the expert
C.S. SyanConsiders the development of the automatic cutting tool selectionsystem. Examines how the advent of knowledge‐based expert systems andCAD popularity has enabled wider availability…
Manufacturing systems
C.B. Besant, M. Ristic, P. Champ, E.P. Jansen, R.A. Hancke, L. HatziconstantisPresents a distributed manufacturing system concept designed toaddress the problem of flexibility in providing a variety of parts insmall to medium batches. Discusses links with…
On the way to CIM
P. MullinsDiscusses the upgrading of a Hampshire IBM plant to CIM operationto take advantage of the UK information technology market. Considers theCIM programme from the cell level, the…
Quicker response from portables
Describes the improvement in quality audit procedures brought aboutby the use of hand‐held computers at Leyland Daf. Discusses the qualityaudit problems that existed prior to the…
A CASE for manufacturing
Carl Gavin, David LittleDescribes the use of CASE tools in manufacturing as a means ofreducing lead times. Discusses the requirements of manufacturing throughthe 1990s, as well as two leading‐edge CASE…
MMS and OSI: key to manufacturing communications
J. HollingumReports on a study of the technical requirements and the businesscase for installing an enterprise‐wide network including networkingwithin the factory. Discusses the use of the…
Expert systems aids integration
Discusses the use of an expert system‐based package, LOCAM, by fourcomponent manufacturers to bring together widely distributed expertknowledge. Examines the decision‐making…