Records Management Journal: Volume 1 Issue 3


Table of contents

Training Programmes in Records Management at the School of Librarianship and Information Sciences of the University of Montreal

Carol Couture

Based for more than fifteen years at the School of Librarianship and Information Sciences (hereinafter referred to as the EBSI) records management training has firm roots at the…

A comparison between free text and a thesaurus controlled vocabulary in searching an online records management database: What are Free Text and Controlled Vocabulary?

Denis Comber, Joy Stanford

The use of an uncontrolled vocabulary or natural language as it is sometimes called, has long been the traditional method of assigning a title to a file.

Records Management and Local Government in the United Kingdom: The Way Forward?

Christine Wright

In the six months that I have lived and worked in Western Australia I have been forcibly struck by the differences and the similarities in records management here in comparison…

‘Loose Leaves’

Veronica Davies

The cost of ‘Fax’ machines gets lower every year. These machines are advertised as the technological solution to fast communication between different organisations and, indeed, it…

Managing Information Technology

Ralph Cornes

I want to talk about information retrieval and why applications that are developed to meet apparently simple requests often turn out to be less than satisfactory.

Cover of Records Management Journal







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Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Elizabeth Lomas
  • Sarah R Demb, MLIS