International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 6 Issue 4
Table of contents
Modelling the relationships between process quality errors and overall service process performance
David A. CollierDescribes research which continues the quest to model performanceusing structural equation models. The objective is to provide meaningfuland substantively interpretable…
“Service logic”: achieving service system integration
Jane Kingman‐Brundage, William R. George, David E. BowenOffers a “service logic model” as a managerial tool fortackling cross‐functional issues embedded in service systems. Uncoversand describes the logical components inherent in the…
Level of success inputs for service innovations in the same firm
Claude R. Martin Claude R. Martin Jr, David A. HorneExamines the differences in internal and external inputs to the newservice development process for two innovations within the same firm.The differences are explored for the most…
A model for strategic repositioning of service processes
Markku Tinnilä, Ari P.J. VepsäläinenThe restructuring of service channels, driven by deregulation,intensifying global competition and emerging information technology, isforcing every company to re‐evaluate the…