International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 4 Issue 3
Table of contents
Tactics Used by Customer‐contact Workers: Effects of Role Stress, Boundary Spanning and Control
Kristopher A. Weatherly, David A. TansikPresents two studies: a qualitative study that uncovered thetactics used by high customer‐contact service workers to deal withperceived role conflict and stress; and a…
The Service Quality Concept and a Method of Inquiry
Hans Lindquist, Jan E. PerssonPresents a method for analysing statements (e.g. theories) aboutservice quality. Uses a method, the Pentad, based on the work of theAmerican literary and social critic Kenneth…
Development of a Multiple‐item Scale for Measuring Hospital Service Quality
R. Vandamme, J. LeunisMany hospitals apply modern marketing ideas to serve customermarkets in a more efficient and effective way. An important strategicvariable in this respect is service quality…
Cross‐functional Integration in the New Product Introduction Process: An Application of Action Science in Services
Susan J. Hart, Linda M. ServiceExamines the nature of cross‐functional integration in theintroduction of new products in a large industrial distributor. Usingthe paradigm of action science to effect a detailed…