International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 15 Issue 3


Table of contents

The structure of commitment in consumer‐retailer relationships: Conceptualization and measurement

Manuel Sánchez, M. Angeles Iniesta

A comprehensive model of commitment in the context of consumer‐retailer relationships is developed in this study. It gives a careful description and theoretical justification of…


Personal control and coping with retail crowding

Delphine Dion

To provide high quality services under conditions of crowding, it is important to understand the relationships between crowding and personal control. Indeed, in recent years…


Collaborative relationship bundling: a new angle on services marketing

José M. Barrutia Legarreta, Carmen Echebarria Miguel

This article proposes a new approach to bundling for both the marketing of services and relationship marketing. Reviews the literature on both bundling and relationship marketing…


Market orientation, brand investment, new service development, market position and performance for service organisations

Sheelagh Matear, Brendan J. Gray, Tony Garrett

This paper investigates how three marketing‐related sources of advantage – market orientation, new service development and brand investment – contribute to service firm…


Online service quality dimensions and their relationships with satisfaction: A content analysis of customer reviews of securities brokerage services

Zhilin Yang, Xiang Fang

This exploratory research intends to extend our understanding of service quality and customer satisfaction within the setting of online securities brokerage services. Based upon…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 2008

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited