International Journal of Service Industry Management: Volume 15 Issue 1


Table of contents

The impact of customer participation and service expectation on Locus attributions following service failure

HsiuJu Rebecca Yen, Kevin P. Gwinner, Wanru Su

This study explores the impact of two factors that are prominent in the service literature: customer participation and service expectation. Owing to the interactive nature of…


The influence of employee organizational citizenship behavior on customer loyalty

Carmen Barroso Castro, Enrique Martín Armario, David Martín Ruiz

This work analyzes the effect that service company employee behavior has on customer perceptions of the quality of services received, and the consequent company performance…


Managing customer expectations in the service encounter

Ray W. Coye

Consumers of services have expectations about what they will receive from the delivery system. These expectations are beliefs about future events which, when compared with the…


New service development in high tech sectors: A decision‐making perspective

Allard C.R. van Riel, Annouk Lievens

Service companies in high tech sectors frequently implement decentralized decision architectures in their innovation processes to improve responsiveness under extremely dynamic…


What drives consumers to shop online? A literature review

Toñita Perea y Monsuwé, Benedict G.C. Dellaert, Ko de Ruyter

While a large number of consumers in the US and Europe frequently shop on the Internet, research on what drives consumers to shop online has typically been fragmented. This paper…




Online date, start – end:

1990 – 2008

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited