Table of contents
Is there a revival of regional integration in Eastern Europe
Martin DangerfieldA range of agreements designed to revive East and Central EuropeanStates′ (ECES) mutual trade and their trade with the former Soviet Unionhave proliferated since early 1993…
Developing the Euro‐manager: managing in a multicultural environment
Roger DarbyNo Euro‐manager can survive and function effectively without firstunderstanding the subtleties and complexities of managing in amulticultural environment. It is fundamental that…
Continuing vocational training in Europe
Catherine FletcherA comparison of state‐regulated provision of continuing vocationaltraining in France with the voluntarist British model highlightsBritain′s poor record in the 1980s and 1990s. The…
New developments and prospects of the European financial services industry
Theo Kiriazidis, George TzanidakisSuggests that EU legislation has induced enormous changes in thestructure of the European financial markets, and that financialinstitutions increasingly modify their strategies to…
European business education: qu′est‐ce que c′est
Elizabeth J. BarnesProposes to improve understanding about university life and work.Stresses the importance of a productive relationship between educationand commerce but questions the perceptions…

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- Prof Goran Svensson