European Business Review: Volume 24 Issue 5

Table of contents - Special Issue: “The Changing World of Business: A South African Strategic Management Perspective”

Guest Editors: Professor Daniel Petzer, Dr Christine De Meyer, Professor Gran Svensson

Networking as key factor in Artpreneurial success

Saskia de Klerk, Melville Saayman

Networking is an important managerial skill and small businesses and businesses that are operated in informal settings, such as those of the festival entrepreneur, need to…


Antecedents of strategic corporate entrepreneurship

Margarietha Johanna de Villiers‐Scheepers

Entrepreneurship theories have a predominant developed economy focus, but the relevance of these theories for emerging economies remains largely untested. The purpose of this…


Working with the complexities of transformational change in a society in transition: A South African perspective

Megan Seneque, Christopher Bond

The purpose of this paper is to explore the establishment and development of a leadership centre in a South African University. The paper is concerned with reviewing concepts of…


Strategic renewal and the change of capabilities in utility firms

Hagen Worch, Mundia Kabinga, Anton Eberhard, Bernhard Truffer

The purpose of this paper is to analyze how strategic renewal affects the reconfiguration of capabilities. In the context of organizational change in a large utility firm, we…


Analytical dimensions of knowledge transfer to the subsidiaries

José Duarte Moleiro Martins

The purpose of this research is to provide useful insights for multinational corporations (MNCs) that intend to transfer knowledge to their subsidiaries situated in Mozambique…


Effects of rule of law on firm performance in South Africa

Banjo Roxas, Doren Chadee, Ronel Erwee

South Africa (SA) has undertaken significant institutional reforms since the change in its political regime in 1994. During the same period, SA has also experienced rapid economic…

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  • Prof Goran Svensson