Table of contents

Service Is Different

John Macdonald

Argues that successful implementation of TQM in service organizationsrequires an understanding of the intrinsic differences between them andmanufacturing organizations. These…


Incorporating Quality Performance Objectives into Performance Appraisal Systems

Geoff Hutt

Describes how one IT services company, a subsidiary of AT&T, hasdeveloped and implemented a comprehensive performance management system.Outlines the consultative process that was…


Customer Focus Groups: Developments in Health Care

Beverley Holloway, David Mobbs

The independent health care industry is experiencing turbulence, withcompetitors currently seeking differentiation using quality focusedstrategies. In pursuit of such strategies…


Lessons in Consistency: Statistical Process Control in Forte plc

Peter Jones, Michael Dent

Reports on a pilot study of the application of statistical processcontrol (SPC) in the staff restaurant at Forte Corporate headquarters,to identify problems of application in the…


A Question of Understanding

Steven J. Mackowski

Confusion and mystique about quality is the main reason behind its lackof use. As the movement has grown, the appropriateness of thedefinitions and understanding has not been…


Total Quality Management in Research and Development

Rosalind Taylor, Alan Pearson

Quality in research and development (R&D) work has become increasinglyimportant as companies commit themselves to quality improvementprogrammes in all areas of their activity…


Appreciative Management Systems

Clive E. Hoare

When constructing a management system it is possible for thepractitioner to lose the overall objective of the system in the wordyand detailed pursuit of conformance to norms…


Does TQM Impact on Bottom‐line Results?

M. Zairi, S.R. Letza, J.S. Oakland

The US General Accounts Office (GAO) study is, arguably, the firstWestern attempt at linking TQM and bottom‐line results. The studyfocused on the top 20 scorers of the Malcolm…


Total Quality Management: A Framework for Application in Manufacturing

B. Mustafa Pulat

Presents the philosophy of TQM and operational elements which allow itsapplication in a manufacturing environment. Describes eight suchelements including management leadership…


Starting Total Quality Management from ISO 9000

Michael Bradley

Some 20,000 companies have been registered as working to theInternational Quality Management Standard ISO 9000, but many have notachieved the improvements in their operations that…


What Is Happening in Quality Management?: Findings from an IM Survey

Adrian Wilkinson, Tom Redman, Ed Snape

In recent years, quality management has become topical in managementcircles. The language of quality has spread throughout manufacturingindustry into service industries and also…




Renamed to:

The TQM Journal

Online date, start – end:

1988 – 2007

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited