Soldering & Surface Mount Technology: Volume 8 Issue 1


Table of contents

Evaluation of the Reliability and Corrosivity of VOC‐free, No‐clean Fluxes using Standard, Modified and Electrochemical Methods*

C. Ramirez, K.‐S. Lei

The reliability and corrosivity of two VOC ‐ free, no‐cleanfluxes (C and D) were assessed using traditional test method such as copper mirror and copper corrosiontests. Modified…


SMD Assembly on to Moulded Interconnection Devices ‐ Available Systems and Developments*

K. Feldmann, A. Brand

The assembly of surface mounted component parts into 3‐dimensional moulded circuit boardsenables the integration of electronic and mechanical functions. However, this requires…


Contamination of Various Flux/Cleaning Combinations on SMT Assemblies: A Discussion of Different Analysis Methods

G. Grossmann

The contamination onSMT assemblies caused by a number of flux/cleaning variation has been investigated, with severalanalysis methods used to quantify the contamination. The…


The Effect of Oxygen on the Surface of Solder *

M. Nowotarski, R. De Wilde **

The effects of oxygen on solder surface tension, wetting time and surface damping are presented. Oxygen levels greater than 10 ppm lower surfacetension, increase wetting time and…


The Mechanical Behaviour of Solders*

W.J. Plumbridge

An overview of the mechanical behaviour of commonsolder types is presented, with particular emphasis placed upon those properties relevant to theperformance of soldered joints in…


Popcorning in Fully Populated and Perimeter Plastic Ball Grid Array Packages*

R. Munamarty, P. McCluskey, M. Pecht, L. Yip

Two types of Plastic ball Grid array packages, a225‐lead full matrix array and a 256‐lead perimeter array, were subjected to 168 hours of moisturepreconditioning at 85°C and 30…


Implementation of Low Power Diode Laser for Soldering by FPC ( Fibre Push Connection) Method

G. Azdasht, E. Zakel, H. Reichl

The advances in miniaturisation and ever increasing complexity of integrated circuitsfrequently mean an increase in the number of connections to a component with simultaneous…


Electronic Interconnect Reliability Modelling *

P.R. Winter, E.R. Wallach

This paper describes work which has been conducted to estimate the magnitudes of thermal stressesdeveloped in the solder joints of electronic components during service. Finite…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Professor Peng He
  • Associate Professor Shuye Zhang