Table of contents

Effect of AIS on planning process effectiveness: a case of SMEs in a less developed nation

Hamood Mohammed Al-Hattami, Abdulwahid Abdullah Ahmed Hashed Abdullah, Jawahar D. Kabra, Maged A.Z. Alsoufi, Mohammed M.A. Gaber, Abdullah M.A. Shuraim

This paper aims to examine the influence of accounting information system (AIS) success on planning process effectiveness (PPE) in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of…


The role of knowledge management processes in leveraging competitive strategies to achieve firm innovativeness

Karishma Trivedi, Kailash B.L. Srivastava

This paper aims to examine the role of knowledge management (KM) processes in enhancing competitive strategies of differentiation and cost-effectiveness and its impact on…


Antecedents of big data analytics adoption: an analysis with future managers in a developing country

Gustavo Hermínio Salati Marcondes de Moraes, Gisela Consolmagno Pelegrini, Laís Porfírio de Marchi, Gabriela Trindade Pinheiro, Alexandre Cappellozza

This paper aims to identify the antecedents’ factors that positively and negatively influence the intention to use big data analytics (BDA) by future managers of companies.


Understanding the determinants of ePharmacy services: the moderating effect of technology discomfort

Mohammad Osman Gani, Muhammad Sabbir Rahman, Anisur R. Faroque, Ahmad Anas Sabit, Fadi Abdel Fattah

The purpose of this study is to understand the determinants affecting behavioral intention (BI) to use ePharmacy services. The moderating role of technology discomfort in the…


Elucidating the role of gender differences via TAM in e-recruitment adoption in India: a multi-group analysis using MICOM

Davinder Kaur, Rajpreet Kaur

This paper aims to answer two research questions: first, to study the factors that directly and indirectly influence the intentions of job-seekers and second, to examine the…


Examining the digital organizational identity through content analysis of missions and vision statements of Malaysian and Singaporean SME company websites

Zulhamri Abdullah, Chinedu Eugenia Anumudu, Syed Hassan Raza

This study aims to examine the current state of mission and vision statements on the company websites of fast-growing Malaysian and Singaporean small- and medium-sized enterprises…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Susanne Durst