Table of contents

Is the balanced scorecard right for academic libraries?

Michele M. Reid

The purpose of this paper is to consider the potential utility for higher educational institutions, and in particular libraries, of the balanced scorecard (BSC) performance…


Selecting foreign language books donated by Asia Foundation and Asian‐US Bridge Foundation

Juan Wang

Many Chinese libraries have limited budget to buy foreign language books. The purpose of this paper is to introduce an available and cheaper suggestion for the budgets of small…


The library value deficit

Michael Germano

While the great recession may have concluded more than a year ago, the lingering effects of state and local budget contraction and austerity are having a highly negative impact on…


Homeless animals and unwanted books

Kirstin Steele

The purpose of this column is to consider similarities of unwanted dogs and cats and books to be weeded, in order to find new destinations for discarded books.


Directing the personnel search part III: preliminary interviews

Gary Fitsimmons

This article's purpose is to outline what goes into a well‐done library personnel preliminary interview.


Determining and navigating institutional culture

Stephanie Walker

This column seeks to address library personnel issues. This particular installment discusses the challenges of determining an organization's culture and the culture of any parent…


A more robust view of the revenue stream: are students a tool for corporate finance?

Terry Cottrell

The purpose of this paper is to explore the viewpoint that college students serve the same function as customers purchasing products from corporations.


E‐books: little use so far

James R. Lund

The purpose of this paper is to encourage caution when considering plans to migrate from physical materials to e‐materials.


The value of transparency

Michael A. Crumpton

This paper seeks to discuss the need for transparency in leadership during tough financial times.


Efficiencies and responsible staff stewardship: a library manager's critical self‐reflection

Colleen S. Harris

The purpose of this paper is to explore the myriad non‐financial ways in which library managers can motivate employees and address performance issues, reducing attrition and…


The Yogi Berra school of library science

Anthony McMullen

The purpose of this paper is to provide insights into issues encountered in maintaining library technologies on a limited budget and with limited personnel.


Ripe for the plucking: centralized and consolidated library budgets as revenue streams for profit

Roger L. Cross

The rise of academic librarian professionalism coincided with the consolidation and centralization of university libraries. The resulting consolidation of the materials budget…


ROI. Measuring the social media return on investment in a library

Nuria Lloret Romero

In all projections for 2011, ROI has become of the great challenges of social media marketing for the business environment. However in the case of non‐profit organizations, there…

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  • Professor Susanne Durst