The Bottom Line: Volume 18 Issue 4
Table of contents
PILOT payments: a potential revenue source for public libraries
Jerry NicholsTo inform library administrators about the funds generated from tax‐exempt entities intended to support various government services, such as libraries.
Harris County Public Library: creating a design paradigm for twenty‐first century libraries
Catherine S. ParkTo highlight the new service model used by Harris County Public Library and point out what has been successful.
Potential for fee‐based library services in Pakistan
Khalid Mahmood, Abdul Hameed, Syed Jalaluddin HaiderTo identify which library services could be provided on a fee‐based model in Pakistan.
Charging for registration at the Delta State University Library
Andrew Ogheneruemu ItedjereTo identify a possible method of generating funds from an academic library's registered users.
Getting beyond the pain: understanding and dealing with declining library funding
Glen E. HoltAims to investigate the suggestion that the library‐funding crisis is real and that it is far more serious if one looks at it as a national and international phenomenon.
Conversations with two of the best
John S. WilsonTo share the experience of two library fund‐raisers with other development officers.
13 ways of looking at Googlebrary
John MaxymukTo present both the pros and cons that may come from Google's recent effort to digitize vast collections from five large research libraries.

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1988Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Susanne Durst