The Bottom Line: Volume 16 Issue 1
Table of contents
Cost efficiency in ARL academic libraries
E. Stewart SaundersExamines 88 academic member libraries of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) to determine their relative cost efficiency, using stochastic frontier regression and data…
How to market yourself and your library organization: a solo librarian’s guide
Anthony AdeloyeThis article explores how information professionals and librarians, particularly those referred to as “one‐man bands”, can ensure a vibrant use of the library and information…
Attitudes of university library users towards overdue fines in Nigeria
Esharenana E. AdomiThis article surveys university library users’ attitudes towards overdue fines. Users of the libraries of the University of Benin, Benin City, and Delta State University, Abraka…
A weighted decision matrix for outsourcing library services
David BallA study, funded by Resource: The Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries, was undertaken in 2000‐2001 to give an up‐to‐date view of the current experience of outsourcing and…

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- Professor Susanne Durst