The Bottom Line: Volume 15 Issue 1
Table of contents
Library fee‐based information services: financial considerations
Suzanne M. Ward, Yem S. Fong, Damon CamilleFee‐based services in libraries offer research and document delivery services to non‐primary clientele on a cost‐recovery basis. Highlights services at the University of Colorado…
Digital rights management: implications for libraries
Denise M. Davis, Tim LaffertySince digital content can be perfectly replicated and distributed infinitely, publishers and other content originators are employing DRM and persistent protection to prevent the…
ALADN: the Academic Library Advancement and Development Network
Gwendolen Rochester LeightyFund‐raising is becoming an integral part of contemporary library management, particularly for academic and research libraries. Libraries are establishing or strengthening…

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Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Professor Susanne Durst