Journal of Services Marketing: Volume 7 Issue 1


Table of contents

Promoting customer contact people: a key difference in service and product advertising

Avery M. Abernethy, Daniel D. Butler

Employs content analysis of advertisements for both products andservices in 13 major newspapers. Seeks to understand how advertisinginformation on service providers is integrated…

Marketing business services in Central Europe: the challenge: a report of expert opinion

Dale A. Lunsford, Bradley C. Fussell

Identifies several unique challenges facing Western firms inmarketing business services in the economies of Hungary, the formerCzechoslovakia, Poland, the former East Germany and…

Building a competitive advantage for service firms: measurement of consumer expectations of service quality

Kenneth E. Clow, Douglas W. Vorhies

Reports on research into measurement of consumer expectations.Examines the stability of consumer expectations and considers whetherthe measurement of expectations should occur…


Product warranties and post‐purchase service: a model of consumer satisfaction with complaint resolution

Diane Halstead, Cornelia Dröge, M. Bixby Cooper

Focuses on a group of unsatisfied carpet owners. Examines the rolesof the carpet warranty and the post‐purchase service received during thecomplaint process in terms of their…


Marketplace success factors for new financial services

Christopher J. Easingwood, Christopher D. Storey

Examines the effects of service offered on the success of newcustomer financial services in the United Kingdom. Shows that previousresearch has concentrated on the new product…

Commentary: customer service insurance

Allen J. Klose

Discusses customer service guarantees and customer serviceinsurance as ways to reduce consumers′ perceived risk in serviceencounters. Looks at some examples of how these could…

Service quality attributes and choice behaviour

Michael D. Richard, Arthur W. Allaway

Addresses two shortcomings of service quality empirical research.Investigates the importance of service quality as a predictor of actualchoice behaviour and examines the…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Kristina Heinonen
  • Professor Mark Rosenbaum