Journal of Services Marketing: Volume 6 Issue 3


Table of contents

Symbolic Interactionism: Its Effects on Consumer Behaviour and Implications for Marketing Strategy

James H. Leigh, Terrance G. Gabel

Notes how many products are purchased due to their symbolicsignificance to important reference groups. Discusses the concept ofsymbolic interactionism and considers this with…


Gerontographics: a Scientific Approach to Analyzing and Targeting the Mature Market

George P. Moschis

Discusses a new method of market segmentation in the mature market.Develops a model based on research in various disciplines and data fromvarious studies. Suggests that this model…

The Solo Consumer: Unique Opportunity for the Service Marketer

Cathy Goodwin, Larry Lockshin

Considers the growing importance of the solo consumer in today′sservices marketplace. Suggests that marketers need to adapt to suchconsumers instead of stereotyping them and…

The Multidimensional Nature of Service Facilities

L.W. Turley, Douglas L. Fugate

Notes how service encounters have tended to be viewed as aninteraction between service providers and service customers. Examinessituations where the main encounter is the…

Affinity Marketing: What is it and How does it Work?

Bart Macchiette, Abhijit Roy

Attempts to clarify the concept of affinity and to distinguish itfrom other marketing‐related terms. Gives guidelines for differentiatingthree general levels of affinity groups…

Differences Between Product and Services Television Commercials

George M. Zinkhan, Madeline Johnson, F. Christian Zinkhan

Reports on content‐analysis research of television commercials forproducts, services and retail outlets attempting to discover whether theobjectives or strategies used differ…


The Influence of Japanese Culture on Business Relationships and Negotiations

Naoko Oikawa, John F. Tanner

Explains that American managers often find negotiating with theirJapanese counterparts extremely difficult and frustrating due to a lackof understanding of the Japanese…


Segment‐of‐One Marketing: Turning Customer Data into Actionable Information

James D. McQuaid

Comments on the importance of communicating with customers anddeveloping a customer bond. Considers the “Segment‐of‐One”marketing strategy which can help track, understand and…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Professor Kristina Heinonen
  • Professor Mark Rosenbaum