Journal of Services Marketing: Volume 37 Issue 9


Table of contents

Commentary: Strength-based co-design that EMPOWERs – Lessons from codesigning with older adults

Bernardo Figueiredo, Torgeir Aleti, Diane M. Martin, Mike Reid, Jacob Sheahan, Larissa Hjorth

This study aims to address the existing gap in co-design frameworks by introducing the EMPOWER framework, a strength-based co-design methodological approach specifically designed…

Research note: conceptualizing agentic luxury in luxury services

Jonas Holmqvist, Jochen Wirtz, Amandine Issandou

What role do consumers play in constructing their own luxury experiences? Challenging the dominant product-focus in luxury conceptualizations, this research note conceptualizes…

How does a hospital servicescape impact the well-being and satisfaction of both health care customers and professionals?

Jillian C. Sweeney, Pennie Frow, Adrian Payne, Janet R. McColl-Kennedy

The purpose of this study is to examine how servicescapes impact well-being and satisfaction of both hospital customers (patients) and health care professional service providers.

Navigating services for consumers with disabilities: a comprehensive review and conceptual framework

Nikhita Tuli, Ritu Srivastava, Harish Kumar

Access to services for consumers with disabilities (CwD) has gained increased attention from researchers and service providers in recent years. Consequently, ensuring that…

A dignity-vulnerability approach framework to maximize well-being outcomes by transformative service initiatives (TSIs)

Sertan Kabadayi, Reut Livne-Tarandach, Michael Pirson

This paper aims to explore how service organizations can improve the effectiveness of well-being creation efforts given the pressing societal issues and global crises. In this…

Cultivating resilience for sustainable service ecosystems in turbulent times: evidence from primary health care

Janet R. McColl-Kennedy, Christoph F. Breidbach, Teegan Green, Mohamed Zaki, Alexandria M. Gain, Mieke L. van Driel

The purpose of this paper is to investigate how and why some service ecosystems are more resilient and, consequently, more sustainable than others during turbulent times, and how…

Linking person–job fit and intrinsic motivation to salespeople’s service innovative behavior

Zaid Oqla Alqhaiwi, Tamer Koburtay, Osman M. Karatepe

Drawing from conservation of resources (COR) and regulatory fit theories, this paper aims to propose and examine moderated mediation model of service innovative behavior among…

Uncovering the reasons behind consumers’ shift from online to offline shopping

Hyo-Jeong Kim, Sang Man Han

This study aims to understand why consumers continue to visit physical stores despite the rise in mobile shopping and online channels. Mobile shopping has changed how consumers…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Kristina Heinonen
  • Professor Mark Rosenbaum