Humanomics: Volume 28 Issue 4
Table of contents
Psychological factors on irrational financial decision making: Case of day‐of‐the week anomaly
Rayenda Khresna Brahmana, Chee‐Wooi Hooy, Zamri AhmadThis research aims to explore and explain the determinants of irrational financial decision making, especially the day‐of‐the week anomaly, by using psychological approach.
Drowning the poor in excessive wages: the problems of the minimum wage law
Robert Schuldt, Davis Woodall, Walter E. BlockThe purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that the minimum wage law is deleterious to the unskilled, to the young and to members of minority groups.
Theory appraisal in Islamic economic methodology: purposes and criteria
Hafas Furqani, Mohamed Aslam HaneefThe purpose of this paper is to attempt to investigate the conceptual foundations of methodological inquiry in Islamic economics. The paper aims to develop criteria of acceptance…
A feminist interpretation of Grameen Bank Sixteen Decisions campaign
Kazi Abdur RoufThe purpose of this paper is to look at Grameen Bank (GB) Sixteen Decisions campaigns and its implications to feminism; and to examine the degree to which women borrowers of the…
Faith‐based advocacy as a tool for mitigating human trafficking in Nigeria
Lukman RaimiThe purpose of this paper is to examine the effectiveness of faith‐based advocacy (FBA) as a tool for mitigating human trafficking in Nigeria, where trafficking has assumed…