Humanomics: Volume 23 Issue 4
Table of contents
Understanding Gandhian dialectics
B.N. GhoshThe aim of the present paper is to deal with a conceptual category. The basic purpose of this paper is to lay bare the meaning and implications of Gandhian dialectics.
Empirical studies on institutions, governance and economic growth: a review
Balbir S. SihagSince the mid‐1980s focus has shifted from stabilization to economic growth as a national goal. A large number of studies have been undertaken to explain economic growth. It is…
Capitalism, democracy and natural environment
Ioannis A. KaskarelisThe purpose of this paper is to discuss the mentality of our civilization, the structure of human life nowadays and to attempt to prove that under these the continual and…
Political correctness and the economics of higher education
Walter Block, Jerry DauteriveIt is the contention of this paper that the state of siege on the part of students against academics and administrators of the 1960s has been replaced by one led by university…