Library Hi Tech: Volume 7 Issue 3


Table of contents

Those (In)destructible Disks; or, Another Myth Exploded

Larry N. Osborne

The characteristics of the ubiquitous 360K 5 1/4 inch floppy disk are described. Based on personal experience, and subsequent related experiments, the author details steps to be…

The Computer and Personal Privacy, Part III: The Regulation of Computer Records in the United States

Michael Rogers Rubin

The major federal and state laws that govern the privacy aspects of the use of computer data banks fall into three types of relationships between individuals and institutions: 1…

dBase IV: A Review

Donald D. Dennis, Mark C. Paster

The database manager ranks with the word processor and the spreadsheet as being one of the most important applications software packages for the small computer. A relational…

Computer Room Air Conditioning

Bennett J. Price

This article discusses the basics of computer‐room air conditioning, an important component of the special environment required by mainframe computers and many mini‐computers as…

Cost Comparisons Between Bibliographic Utilities and CD‐ROM‐Based Cataloging Systems

Dolly Chao

There are three major cost areas to consider when selecting an automated system for cataloging: purchase/one‐time costs; ongoing costs; and staff resource costs. Staff resource…

Truth in Automating: The Multi‐Library Experience

Jon Drabenstott, Marvin E. Pollard, Sara C. Heitshu, John Webb, Michael Madden

These studies provide a cross‐section of current library automation activity. They illustrate some of the forces acting on libraries, the growth and development of the library…

The WELMED Database Management System: A Case Study in System Design and Applications

Gary Moore

The long‐term goal for integrated information management at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions is the creation of a knowledge management environment—a network of databases…

Beyond the Online Catalog

Chris Sugnet, Alison Curtis, Joseph Matthews, Dan Haverkamp, Charles Farley, James Michael

Alison Curtis, Joseph Matthews, Dan Haverkamp, Charles Farley, and James Michael offer their comments on the future of library automation from their perspective as vendors. This…


More Than You Know: Justifying That New Computer

Walt Crawford

Do personal computers make sense? Do the benefits outweigh the costs? That's something you need to determine before you buy a computer (or add to your existing supply). A few…

Cover of Library Hi Tech







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Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Dickson K.W. Chiu
  • Dr Kevin K.W. Ho