Library Hi Tech: Volume 22 Issue 1


Table of contents

Metadata and librarianship: will MARC survive?

Bradford Lee Eden

Metadata schema and standards are now a part of the information landscape. Librarianship has slowly realized that MARC is only one of a proliferation of metadata standards, and…


Cyril: expanding the horizons of MARC21

Jane W. Jacobs, Ed Summers, Elizabeth Ankersen

Describes the construction of the author’s Perl program, Cyril, to add vernacular Russian (Cyrillic) characters to existing MARC records. The program takes advantage of the ALA‐LC…


The MARC standard and encoded archival description

Peter Carini, Kelcy Shepherd

This case study details the evolution of descriptive practices and standards used in the Mount Holyoke College Archives and the Five College Finding Aids Access Project, discusses…


MARC to ENC MARC: bringing the collection forward

Janet Kahkonen Smith, Roger L. Cunningham, Stephen P. Sarapata

This paper will describe the way in which the USMARC cataloging schema is used at the Eisenhower National Clearing‐house (ENC). Discussion will include how ENC MARC extensions…

After MARC – what then?

Leif Andresen

The article discusses the future of the MARC formats and outlines how future cataloguing practice and bibliographic records might look. Background and basic functionality of the…


An introduction to the Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS)

Morgan V. Cundiff

This article provides an introductory overview of the Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard, better known as METS. It will be of most use to librarians and technical staff…


Pulling it all together: use of METS in RLG cultural materials service

Merrilee Proffitt

RLG has used METS for a particular application, that is as a wrapper for structural metadata. When RLG cultural materials was launched, there was no single way to deal with…

A preliminary crosswalk from METS to IMS content packaging

Raymond Yee, Rick Beaubien

As educational technology becomes pervasive, demand will grow for library content to be incorporated into courseware. Among the barriers impeding interoperability between…

An introduction to the Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS)

Sally H. McCallum

This paper provides an introduction to the Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS), a MARC21 compatible XML schema for descriptive metadata. It explains the requirements that…


Using the Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS) for resource description: guidelines and applications

Rebecca S. Guenther

This paper describes the Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS), its accompanying documentation and some of its applications. It reviews the MODS user guidelines provided by…


Whither HTML?

Judith Wusteman

HTML has reinvented itself as an XML application. The working draft of the latest version, XHTML 2.0, is causing controversy due to its lack of backward compatibility and the…


Copyright in a networked world: ethics and infringement

Michael Seadle

The statutes themselves are not the only basis for deciding whether an intellectual property rights infringement has occurred. Ethical judgments can also influence judicial…

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