Journal of Consumer Marketing: Volume 10 Issue 1


Table of contents

Marketing to the baby bust generation

Paul Herbig, William Koehler, Ken Day

Examines the implications of the Baby Bust generation, the postbaby boom generation of American society, on marketing. Describes theBaby Bust generation and provides the authors 


The exclusive value principle: the basis for prestige racing

John C. Groth, Stephen W. McDaniel

Proposes the concept of “An exclusive Value Principleâ€as an explanation for the attainment of brandexclusivity. Argues thatpositioning a brand carefully with prestige pricing…


The marketing concept: a forgotten aid for marketing highâ€technology products

Dennis J. Cahill, Robert M. Warshawsky

Suggests that the conventional wisdom about “highâ€techâ€products contains three fallacies and one shortcoming that may leadproducers and marketers of these kinds of products to…

Great expectations: why predictions go awry

Herb Brody

States that most predictions of technology development turn out tobe wrong and that many companies suffer financially as a result. Givesexamples of a number of companies which…

A value based orientation to new product planning

Tridib Mazumdar

Offers a framework which can assist managers to carry out newproduct planning and development activities with an explicit focus onconsumer value perceptions. Describes how…


Senior citizen discount programs: which seniors to target and why

Lisa D. Spiller, Richard A. Hamilton

Explores the use of senior citizen discount programs and asks whouses these programs and for what products and services. Reports on astudy of female consumers 65 years and older…

The use of benchmarking to enhance marketing decision making

Myron Gable, Ann Fairhurst, Roger Dickinson

Considers benchmarking to be an important decision making tool formarketing executives. Describes the value of benchmarking to marketersin improving decision making with respect…


Effective use of advertisements promoting sale prices

Katherine Fraccastero, Scot Burton, Abhijit Biswas

Draws from various theoretical bases and empirical research tooffer managerial recommendations concerning the communication of saleprice information in advertisements. Addresses…

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  • Neel Das
  • Mujde Yuksel